It seems totally insane to me, but there is a real movement in the world to allow for euthanasia and assisted suicide. And in places where it already exists, the movement is working to expand who is able to get government approval and assistance to do it. Initially, this was something that was touted as a compassionate measure to keep people with terminal illnesses from suffering at the end of their lives. It seems now, though, that this rationale was nothing more than a means of getting the camel’s nose under the tent in order to expand it further.

This practice is completely legal in Canada, for instance – and it seems that efforts are currently being made to make it available to people who do not even have a terminal illness. A bill has actually been filed to that effect in the Quebec legislature. This occurred after the Quebec Superior Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for the current law to be limited to people whose natural death was reasonably foreseeable. I’m sure that is not something that the country’s constitution actually addresses, but that is pretty much what you get when you have judges that consider their role to be lawmakers rather than law interpreters.

Finish reading here.

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