It is very difficult, these days, to even talk about politics and political policy because most people hold such strong feelings one way or the other that different opinions seem to quickly become fights. The difficulty, though, is not so much expressed in policy. If it were, then discussing, and even disagreeing, would be a routine matter. Rather, the difficulty exists because everything has become personal. When the disagreements are personal rather than based on policy, then anyone who disagrees with you is also a bad person, and whatever they say is bad no matter what it is.

I refuse to take the personal route. I do not mind discussing political and social issues with people who disagree with me, and I have no problem doing so strongly. But when I do, I will only focus on policy, not on personality – and when people attempt to make it personal, I will call them out on it and move the discussion back to policy.

With that as a bedrock principle, I will state unequivocally that I believe that most of the policy objectives that are expressed in the Democrat Party platform are bad. I have read the document and find that, for the most part, it stands in direct opposition to the values that my life is built upon. My values are based upon the principles expressed in the Bible. I believe in the God of the Bible, that man is created in the image of God, but fallen, and that the ultimate humanity can achieve in life relates to establishing a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and living in that relationship. The principles underlying the values expressed in the Democrat Party platform document are based on naturalistic beliefs – beliefs that begin with the notion that God does not exist, that man is nothing more than a naturally evolved animal, and that the ultimate one can achieve in this life is survival and personal fulfillment. This is not to say that everyone who advocates for the Democrat Party platform is an Atheist, but the policy expressions themselves are specifically based on beliefs that come from that point of view, and those who advocate for them are not advocating for biblical beliefs, but for naturalistic ones.

So, as I look at the Democrat Party platform, my objection to it is not political, it is spiritual. It represents values that are contrary to the values revealed in the Bible, and following it would result in outcomes that are contrary to what God has revealed to be his will. The statements expressed in the platform are the political expressions of beliefs that represent untruth and fantasy, and which ultimately result in injustice, the demeaning of individual human life, and the destruction of civil society.

The Naturalistic Tilt of the Democrat Party Platform
Let’s take a moment to understand the naturalistic underpinning of the platform statement. We can do that by examining how Naturalism answers the three essential worldview questions. Obviously, the platform document does not address these questions directly. For that reason, we have to look at the policy positions and ask: “Where do the values come from that propose these kinds of policies?” From that, it becomes obvious not only where the values come from, but also why these particular values are promoted. Let’s first begin with the naturalistic beliefs themselves in order to understand them, then move on to the policy expressions.

Naturalism is the belief that the only thing that exists is the natural universe. Thus, there is no God or any kind of transcendent reality. Along with that, there is no such thing as an objective basis for any kind of moral standard. Morality is necessarily relative based on the particular circumstances of those who are defining it.

The Beliefs of Naturalism
We can get at the essential core of Naturalism by answering the following three questions based on naturalistic beliefs.

1. What Is the Nature of Ultimate Reality?
In Naturalism, the only thing that exists is material reality operating by the natural laws of the universe.

2. What Is Man?
Man, in Naturalism, is a naturally evolved animal creature.

3. What Is the Ultimate a Person Can Achieve in this Life?
As Naturalism acknowledges no transcendent reality, the ultimate a person can achieve in this life must relate to things that are a part of one’s natural life. This would primarily include survival and personal fulfillment.

What Are the Democrat Party Policy Positions and Where Do They Come From?
The policies promoted by the Democrat Party are virtually all expressions of a naturalistic worldview. They express values that relate purely to the temporal world, they treat man as nothing more than a naturally evolved animal, and their collectivist approach is an expression of their belief that the ultimate in life is centered around survival and personal fulfillment. These policies diametrically oppose the biblical view of God, man, and salvation.

In order to get a sense of how the Democrat Party platform expresses a naturalistic worldview, lets take a look at some of the more prominent policy expressions advocated in the platform document, and see how and why they reflect Naturalism.

In a generic sense, life is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter. It includes the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change up until the time of death. What we are exploring here, though, is specifically human life. The question we must answer is, “Is there anything special about human life?”

What is the biblical principle?
The Bible clearly teaches that individual human life is special and unique. Human beings, as opposed to other animal life forms, are special creations of God created in his image. As such, individuals hold special value in God’s eyes, and he has revealed that human beings should also especially value human life.

What is the naturalistic principle?
Naturalism assumes that there is nothing special about human life. Human beings are just one species of evolved animal among many. As such, the value of human life does not lie in any particular individual, but in the viability of the species as a whole. When one person dies, while individuals may feel a sense of loss, it has no profound effect on the whole of humanity. It is the collective rather than the individual that is valued.

How does the Democrat Party platform match up with the naturalistic principle?
When it comes to issues of life, such as abortion, the value of an individual pre-born child is not considered ultimately important. After all, it is considered to be nothing more than a temporal life form that has yet to even become sentient, much less provide any kind of value to the collective. As such, the decision as to whether or not to abort a child does not rest upon the value of the child, but on considerations related to how the child’s existence affects the collective as a whole, or the needs and desires of the parents. If it is deemed that a child would be inconvenient, too expensive, or a problem for the collective, based on the opinion of those who have the power to decide a child’s fate, then there is no problem terminating a pregnancy – even up until the moment of birth (and in some people’s minds, even after a birth occurs).

The right to abortion (euphemistically referred to as reproductive health care) is a big part of the Democrat Party platform. It is promoted in numerous places, particularly as it relates to health care, women’s rights, and foreign affairs. This very strong advocacy for abortion does not align with biblical beliefs about the value of human life, but does closely align with the naturalistic belief that human beings are merely animal creatures with no significance beyond this temporal existence.

What is the biblical principle?
The Bible teaches that God made man in his own image. There are numerous implications of this teaching, but one of the most important relates to human free will and freedom of conscience. God has a will that he has revealed to mankind, and that he wants people to follow. Following His will pleases Him, and allows man to live in relationship to Him. Refusing to follow His will displeases God and puts man outside of a relationship with Him. The choice to follow or not, though, is in the hands of each individual. As they stand before God, human beings are free to choose. That is the nature of the created order that God established for mankind.

A society that builds upon this principle prioritizes the individual over the collective. Politically it is expressed in such policies as freedom of religion (conscience), freedom of the press, freedom of expression, the rule of law, equality under the law and due process, the consent of the governed, one-man one vote, freedom of assembly, the right to security and liberty, freedom of speech, the right to privacy, the right to equal treatment under the law, the right to a fair trial, the right to life, the right to own property, the right to defend oneself, the right to bodily integrity, and freedom from oppressive restrictions imposed by governmental authority on people’s way of life, behavior, religion, or political views.

What is the naturalistic principle?
Naturalism prioritizes the collective over the individual. Thus, what is good for the species as a whole takes precedence over the needs or desires of the individual. And since there is not considered to be any kind of objective measure of morality, human beings must make up values for themselves that they deem sufficient to protect the viability of the collective. It is the values of those who hold political power that are implemented in this regard. As such, the concept of liberty is not important in Naturalism, and, in fact, is often understood to be detrimental to the best interests of the collective.

How does the Democrat Party platform match up with the naturalistic principle?
The Democrat Party platform is very much premised on collectivist ideology, with policies that limit individual freedom emerging in numerous places. Some of the more prominent expressions of this include: forcing people into government healthcare and retirement programs, prioritizing gay rights over freedom of conscience, using tax money to fund programs and services that many consider immoral (ex. Planned Parenthood), favoring particular groups over other groups in law and funding (ex. gay rights groups or women’s groups), not fully protecting the nation’s citizens (ex. defund police departments), regulating the free press, regulating what kind of housing is available and where, implementing strict gun regulation, restricting free speech (ex. what statues can and cannot be on public property and regulations regarding the use of the internet), and restricting religious expression in the public square.

The many restrictions on individual liberty that the Democrat Party platform desires to impose on society are completely contrary to a biblical worldview, but are very consistent with Naturalism. They emerge out of the naturalistic belief in the priority of the collective over the individual, and the belief that human authorities are the ones who get to define a society’s morality.

What is the biblical principle?
The issue of economics is closely tied to the topic of liberty. When it comes to this subject, the choice is between an approach that is based on stewardship and one based on command. The stewardship model is the biblical point of view, and sees man as a person made in God’s image who has been given responsibility to be a steward over the earth and its resources. This is an individual responsibility as opposed to a collectivist one. As such, a biblical approach to economics would envision a system where individuals are given the highest degree of autonomy possible in economic matters, but who are responsible to God to manage them properly. When looking at economic models, it is a properly structured free market system that provides this kind of opportunity.

What is the naturalistic principle?
Naturalism prioritizes the collective over the individual, and favors an economic system that is managed by political leaders who are charged with devising an optimum way to promote the survival of the species. As the natural universe is all that is acknowledged to exist, survival is the ultimate that is possible for the human animal. Thus, this worldview envisions an economic system that is based on a command economy. The most popular forms in our time are some kind of Marxist system such as Socialism or Communism. These systems work based control by an elite bureaucratic or political class who serve as managers of the entire economy, and who direct how resources will be created and distributed throughout society. The individual has no part in determining these matters.

How does the Democrat Party platform match up with the naturalistic principle?
The focus of the Democrat Party platform has a very strong Socialist bent. It promotes a system of high taxes to fund a whole range of social welfare programs in order to redistribute wealth in an attempt to create equality of outcome in society – regardless of an individual’s contribution to society. Some of the more prominent policy expressions of this in the Party platform include: guaranteed minimum wage, guaranteed sick and family leave, subsidized or free child care, guaranteed affordable housing, high taxes on the rich, federal grants to poor areas, guaranteed retirement income, free college tuition, single payer government healthcare, free contraception, and loan forgiveness for college students.

The collectivist policies that the Democrat Party platform promotes are completely contrary to a biblical worldview – both as it relates to liberty and to morality. At the same time, they are quite consistent with Naturalism. These Party policies emerge out of the naturalistic belief in the priority of the collective over the individual, and the belief that human authorities are the ones who get to define a society’s morality.

What is the biblical principle?
There are a couple of different principles that come into play when dealing with the topic of healthcare. One principle is that of stewardship – as individuals have a responsibility to take care of the world that God has placed into their care. This includes our human bodies. Another principle relates to taking care of those who are having difficulty. God has revealed that Christians ought to be aware of those who are in difficult life situations (such as widows and orphans), and to help them out. Both of these principles are based on the notion of individual, not governmental, responsibility – one element of this relates to taking care of the self, and the other to how individuals use personal resources to help others.

What is the naturalistic principle?
The naturalistic approach regarding healthcare is based upon a collectivist understanding of reality. The focus in this case is on the collective, not the individual – the goal being to enhance the survival of the species. It is deemed to be the responsibility of the collective to make sure that the needs of everyone in society are taken care of – and this applies to matters of health, as well as to other areas. The general consensus in modern times, among those who hold a naturalistic worldview, is that this is best managed by the government.

How does the Democrat Party platform match up with the naturalistic principle?
The Democrat Party has bought in completely to the notion that it is the government’s responsibility to provide healthcare to the entire U.S. population via a socialized approach. They believe that the federal government ought to implement a system where the taxes of all citizens are used to provide for the basic healthcare needs of the entire population.

Another element of the Party’s healthcare platform relates to abortion. Abortion, in the Democrat view, is healthcare – generally referred to as reproductive health.

The collectivist policies that the Democrat Party platform promotes regarding healthcare are completely contrary to a biblical worldview – both as it relates to liberty and to its view of human life. At the same time, these policies are quite consistent with a naturalistic worldview. Specifically, the Party’s policies emerge out of the naturalistic belief in the priority of the collective over the individual, and the belief that the value of human life is relative to other priorities that impact the collective.

Criminal Justice
What is the biblical principle?
The biblical principle that emerges regarding criminal justice centers around the notion of actual justice and equal justice. God is understood to be absolutely just in all of his dealings with mankind, and will express justice by protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty. His justice also does not show partiality.

The implementation of these principles in political policy involves the notion that those who are guilty of crimes deserve to be punished, but that the punishment should not be based on partiality in any sense. The principle of equal justice under the law is the operative precept.

This does not mean, however, that there is no room for mercy and grace. That said, these must also be consistent with God’s character as it relates to justice. Those who sin against God deserve justice, but God is also a God of grace and mercy. He gives grace by imparting to us gifts in life that we don’t deserve. He shows mercy by not dispensing punishment that we do deserve. Both of these, though, fit within a particular context.

God’s grace is expressed in this temporal life as he allows us the opportunity to receive the benefits this world has to offer, all the while providing us with the opportunity to know him in a personal relationship. This grace does, though, have an end point – the end of our mortal life.

God’s mercy is conditioned on our response to his grace. We all deserve eternal separation from Him because of our sin, but if we repent and turn to him, He shows mercy by not condemning us to eternal separation from him.

As it relates to political policy, there should be room for people who break the law to also receive grace and mercy. As fallen human beings, we all have a tendency to offend against society, but when people pay their debt to society and show proper contrition, there is room to give a second chance.

What is the naturalistic principle?
Justice, based on naturalistic beliefs, is a relativistic concept. Naturalism does not acknowledge the existence of God, so it does not recognize an objective basis for law – and thus for justice. The laws that are implemented are established by those in power based on their personal beliefs about the best way to maintain order in society.

The relativistic basis of law is expressed in several ways. First, there is not necessarily equal justice under the law. If those in power believe that favoring certain people is most advantageous for the collective, that is considered okay. Second, there is no objective basis for law, so it can be changed or interpreted in different ways by those who have the power to do so based on their personal beliefs about what is best for the collective. As for grace and mercy, this is also implemented based on the personal beliefs and preferences of those in power according to their evaluation of what is best for the survival of the collective.

How does the Democrat Party platform match up with the naturalistic principle?
Once again, the Democrat Party is completely in sync with a naturalistic worldview when it comes to the concept of justice. Rather than actual or equal justice, the Party uses the concept of “social justice” as its foundational approach. Social justice is a concept that picks winners and losers, based on the views of those in power, regarding what groups in society should be favored and what ones should be disfavored.

There are particular policies advocated by the Democrat party that express this point of view. They believe that the jails should be emptied of those they deem to be part of demographics that they consider to be oppressed. This has nothing to do with actual crimes committed, only with what demographic they belong to. They also believe that recreational drug use should be legalized, and that those who are in jail because of drug offenses should be released.

Additionally, they believe that the police are a source of injustice to minority communities and should be defunded.

Another element of the Democrat Party platform advocates for gun control. This is based on their belief that access to guns is the primary cause of crime, and that if guns were outlawed, crime would automatically go down.

As far as carrying out the legal process, they look to appoint judges that also hold this same relativistic view of justice. Specifically, they believe that the law is based on a relativistic foundation, and that it is appropriate for judges to interpret the law based on their own personal and political preferences – rather than on the intent of the ones who wrote the law.

The collectivist policies that the Democrat Party platform promotes regarding justice are completely contrary to a biblical worldview. It does not advocate for either actual justice or for equal justice. This point of view emerges out of the naturalistic belief in the priority of the collective over the individual, and the relativistic nature of morality.

Environmental Justice
What is the biblical principle?
The primary biblical principle that is dealt with regarding the topic of the environment is stewardship. As such, we are particularly interested in what the Bible says about man’s responsibility for taking care of the planet. The underlying biblical principle is found in Genesis 1:28-30. There we read:

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. 30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.

In other words, God gave man stewardship responsibility over the earth, to manage it in ways that benefit mankind and fulfill His purpose in supporting the existence of man on the earth. It is a mandate that affirms sound environmental practices, but does not see the environment as something sacred in and of itself. The earth was made for man, not man for the earth.

What is the naturalistic principle?
Naturalistic philosophy begins with the belief that the natural universe is all that exists, and that it operates based purely on the natural laws of the universe. The implications of that notion regarding the environment, then, begins with the belief that there is no transcendent purpose associated with the natural universe. It simply exists as it exists, and it is continuously evolving based on the universe’s natural laws.

That being the case, the only purpose that can possibly exist for human life is necessarily based upon the purpose human beings are able to assign to it by virtue of their ability to think in terms of purpose. And the purpose that is most important for humans is survival. Thus, when dealing with environmental issues, the primary focus must be on sustaining the environment in ways that allow for life on earth to continue.

How does the Democrat Party platform match up with the naturalistic principle?
The way that the Democrat Party seeks to use political policy in regard to the environment is based on its underlying collectivist principles. These principles are touted as being based in science, but that is not actually the case – as there is no actual science to prove that human activity is the cause of global environmental destruction.

The particular focus of the Democrat Party’s emphasis on environmental justice relates to global climate change. Their solution to what they consider to be an existential threat to the survival of humanity (and all other life forms) on earth is to redistribute wealth in ways that fund their environmental policies. The particular policies that they wish to fund include expansion of the use of clean energy, support of national and international organizations that fight against global climate change, the elimination of carbon based fuels, and the expansion and protection of public lands in ways that do not allow them to be developed.

The collectivist policies that the Democrat Party platform promotes regarding environmental justice are completely arbitrary, and are contrary to a biblical worldview. These policies have no objective basis for their existence, and simply emerge out of the naturalistic belief in the priority of the collective over the individual. Even there, though, the support for these policies is based on certain people’s opinions and preferences regarding how to deal with the environment, rather than on science.

What is the biblical principle?
The primary biblical principle that is dealt with regarding the topic of immigration regards order in society and the rule of law. God is a god of order, and one of the main purposes for which He instituted the institution of government was to maintain order in society. It is nearly impossible to accomplish productive work in a society that is in chaos, and it is God’s will that productive work be done that furthers His purpose in the world.

What is the naturalistic principle?
The primary principle that governs the beliefs of Naturalism regarding immigration relates to the survival of the collective. Naturalists view humanity as merely one species of natural animal among many. It is recognized that humans organize themselves in various groupings, but there is no compelling reason why any particular group formation should be normative. After all, human beings are human beings, no matter how they organize themselves.

As a practical matter, Naturalists believe that working together as a collective enhances the overall survivability of the whole. Thus, if people across the globe could work collectively without any kind of barriers, the whole would be strengthened. When it comes to immigration, then, creating a world without borders is a desirable goal.

How does the Democrat Party platform match up with the naturalistic principle?
The Democrat Party seeks to use political policy regarding immigration to promote its collectivist principles. In promoting those principles, they advocate such policies as open borders. In cases where that is not possible, they advocate for amnesty for the illegal aliens that are already in the country, and for the establishment of sanctuary cities to prevent those illegals from being apprehended and prosecuted for their illegal status.

The collectivist approach that the Democrat Party platform promotes regarding immigration policy is contrary to a biblical worldview. These policies promote law breaking and chaos, as opposed to order and maintaining the rule of law.

National Defense
What is the biblical principle?
The primary biblical principle that relates to the topic of national defense regards order in society and the rule of law. As with the topic of immigration above, God is a god of order, and one of the main purposes for which He provided the institution of government was to maintain order in society. It is nearly impossible to accomplish productive work in a society that is in chaos, and it is God’s will that productive work be done that furthers His purpose in the world. Protecting a nation from hostile outside forces is essential to maintain an orderly society.

What is the naturalistic principle?
The primary principle that governs the beliefs of Naturalism regarding national defense relates to the survival of the collective. There are some conflicting interests that bump up against each other with regard to this issue, so Naturalists have to be careful to balance these conflicting matters.

When dealing with the topic of immigration, as was noted above, humanity worldwide is viewed as the ultimate collective that should be brought together without imposing national borders. At the same time, chaos must be avoided and hostile actors eliminated. If hostile actors happen to be people associated with a different country, then the country must certainly defend itself. Thus, a national defense must be maintained. At the same time, it is understood to be reasonable to seek to eliminate national borders along with the very need for a national defense.

How does the Democrat Party platform match up with the naturalistic principle?
In its attempt to balance the desire to foster a worldwide collective, yet still be able to maintain societal order, the Democrat Party platform attempts to maintain a military capable of protecting the homeland, but at a lower level. Thus, it seeks to reduce defense spending and redistribute the funds previously directed toward the military to other causes. Rather than depending on military strength to ensure national security, the Democrat Party platform proposes focusing more attention to international diplomacy and on spending more on foreign aid.

The collectivist approach that the Democrat Party platform promotes regarding national security policy is not necessarily contrary to a biblical worldview, but it is an approach that doesn’t take seriously the nature of man. According to biblical teachings, man is a fallen creature and is incapable to creating the kind of utopia on earth that the Democrat Party envisions. By focusing more on policies that try to promote this kind of utopia, such as more diplomacy, and less emphasis on a strong military, it is less likely that the nation will be able to maintain a high level of order based on a strong national defense.

What is the biblical principle?
The primary biblical principle that is dealt with regarding the topic of family relates to the nature of man. God created man in a particular way, and not in any other way.

One aspect of this is that human beings are persons created in the image of God. The concept of personhood is a spiritual concept and involves such characteristics as free will, self consciousness, creativity, and the like. Human beings are not merely animal beings as are all of the other living creatures on earth. Rather, they have spiritual characteristics that allow them to interact with other person’s in self-conscious relationships.

A second element of the human condition is that human beings are physical creatures. As physical creatures they exist as male and female, with both a male and a female being necessary to procreate. Based on the way God created humanity, and on his revelation to man regarding marriage, families are established in the context of the union of one man and one woman. These family units, then, are the bedrock basis for human society.

These two elements of human existence represent actual reality. It is the way God created the world to operate, and represents His will for mankind.

What is the naturalistic principle?
Naturalism does not acknowledge the existence of any kind of transcendent reality. As such, human beings can be nothing more than one naturally evolved creature among many that evolved to the particular form that now exists. Naturalists believe that the evolution of the human animal occurred based on the fixed natural laws of the universe, and that there is no other possibility.

Naturalists recognize that procreation requires the mating of a male and a female in humans, but does not recognize any necessary moral element to that process. As there is no transcendent power to give man an objective moral code, human beings must make up morality for themselves. The basis for morality simply involves matters that relate to the survival of the species. Actions that make survival less likely are considered immoral, while those that increase survivability are considered moral.

According to the thinking of most Naturalists, there was a time in the history of the human animal when survival depended upon a strong traditional family unit. Under those circumstances, a moral code that strengthened the family unit was important. Thus, adultery and homosexuality were considered immoral as they were seen to weaken the traditional family unit. In modern times, however, many societies have developed in ways that don’t seem to be as dependent upon the traditional family structure for survival. As such, many who hold a naturalistic worldview now advocate for the acceptance of non-traditional family units – family units that may include non-married heterosexual couples, homosexual couples, and even polygamous or polyamorous groupings. Since they believe there is no such thing as objective morality, and noting that the societal situation has changed, they see no reason why the mores and previous moral taboos regarding family structure cannot also be legitimately changed.

How does the Democrat Party platform match up with the naturalistic principle?
As it relates to sexuality, the Democrat Party platform is fully in sync with naturalistic beliefs. There is a distinct advocacy for non-traditional family units, with a particular focus on promoting gay and transgender rights – both regarding domestic and foreign policy.

Abortion is another important policy position that fits into the Party platform regarding family. Democrats believe that in order for people to create the kind of family they wish to have, it may be necessary for abortion to be legal. After all, sometimes people get pregnant when they do not consider themselves ready to have a family – for whatever reason.

Other Party platform policies that relate to family include: promotion of LGBTQ+ rights, support for gay rights in the military, promotion of gender equality, and promotion of gay rights in other countries as a matter of foreign policy. These Party platform views of family and sexuality are completely in sync with naturalistic worldview beliefs, but are totally contrary to biblical worldview beliefs.

The Nature of the Democrat Party Platform
In general, as political wrangling goes, there actually tends to be very little discussion on the underlying values of the policies that are put forth – no matter what side a person comes down on. Those who support particular policies merely assume that theirs are the right ones, and they fight for them using very superficial arguments. The truth is, however, there are underlying beliefs, for every policy position, that express their moral foundation.

The policies put forth in the Democrat Party platform are not free standing ideals. They are almost exclusively expressions of naturalistic worldview beliefs. They are based on values that assume there is no God to provide objective moral beliefs, that man is purely a natural animal, and that the ultimate man can achieve in life is to promote the survival of the collective. The Party platform is almost exclusively a document that promotes a naturalistic worldview, and thus is directly in opposition to biblical beliefs. It is a spiritual document promoting atheistic values. No Christian who takes seriously the beliefs revealed in the Bible can support a document like this.

© 2020 Freddy Davis

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