Look at the following statements. True or False: Do you agree or disagree that what they say is true?

  •  There is no absolute moral truth.
  • ·      The basis of truth are factors or sources other than God.
  • ·      Right and wrong is determined by factors other than the Bible.
  • ·      The Bible is not the authoritative and true word of God.
  • ·      People are basically good.
  • ·      The personal definition of success is not based on consistent obedience to God.

My expectation is that nearly everyone reading this blog is an evangelical Christian and answered False to all of the above statements (though I imagine some of you did not, or maybe had reservations). In any case, if you did reject any or all of those assertions, I am sad to say, you are now out of step with the majority of people in America today. If you did agree with them, then you probably feel right at home in modern American society. These views are especially evident in the academic, entertainment, arts, scientific, and political milieus. They are also found in many mainline religious groups. In those cases, if you feel comfortable being a part of them, you may not really understand the basic beliefs of Historic Christianity.

 This current situation is revealed in the results of a recent survey by the Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University. That group, led by renowned pollster Dr. George Barna, on August, 4, 2020, published the The Americana Worldview Inventory 2020. (see it here: AMERICAN WORLDVIEW INVENTORY 2020)

 The CRC inventory showed that the majority of adult Americans now are in agreement with the above statements. Here are the findings.

  •      58% say there is no absolute moral truth.
  • ·      58% say the basis of truth are factors or sources other than God.
  • ·      77% say right and wrong is determined by factors other than the Bible.
  • ·      59% believe the Bible is not the authoritative and true word of God.
  • ·      69% say people are basically good.
  • ·      79% assert that the personal definition of success is not based on consistent obedience to God.

The survey also showed many other troubling trends in American beliefs and even among those professing to be Christians. Here is more data.

  • ·      48% of American adults believe that if a person is generally good, or does enough good things during their life, they will “earn” a place in Heaven. Only one-third of adults (35%) disagree.
  • ·      Most Americans (52%) who describe themselves as Christian accept a “works-oriented” means to God’s acceptance.
  • ·      A large portion of Americans in churches whose official doctrine says salvation comes only from receiving Jesus Christ as savior believe that a person can go to Heaven by just being or doing good. That includes almost half of all adults associated with (surprisingly) Pentecostal (46%), (not surprisingly) mainline Protestant (44%), and (disappointingly) evangelical (41%) churches. 70% of Catholics have that position.
  • ·      Only 56% of Americans say they consciously attempt to avoid sinning because they know it offends God,
  • ·      Only 49% believe they have any responsibility to share their religious beliefs (whatever they may be) with people who possess different religious beliefs.

So what do we make of all this data? Just that it underscores what we at MarketFaith Ministries have been saying for years: the Christian worldview basis of American society and culture is rapidly eroding. Increasingly, Americans, even many calling themselves Christians, are no longer expressing a belief in traditional spiritual and moral values. The influences of Naturalism and Postmodernism have established dominance in the institutions of this country and others in the western world (including some churches). Indeed, the riptide of cultural and moral deterioration is pushing hard against those of us who wish to maintain a Biblically informed conscience.

 These facts demonstrate even more why Christians (those who truly hold to its historic tenets) need to become better educated about the dangers of false worldviews and to be more assertive in standing up for and defending Biblical truth. If America continues to turn her back on God and His Word, the consequences will be devastating.

 “Righteousness exalts a nation,
but sin is a disgrace to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34)


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