In the1950s early 1960s the Moody Institute of Science at the Moody Bible Institute produced a series of films on science written from a biblical worldview. They were well made and impacted a whole generation of young Christians. They challenged them to look at science and scientific questions in ways that were faith enhancing rather than detrimental, as was often the case in schools and colleges dedicated to naturalism.

Today, the Discovery Institute is a scientific think tank dedicated to the idea that the universe and biology infer the presence of an intelligent designer. Its writings and speakers (most with science Ph.Ds. from top rank universities) has engendered both positive and negative responses. The scientific establishment of naturalistic (and often atheistic) scientists, in most cases, has dismissed Intelligent Design Theory (IDT) as pseudo-science or religious fundamentalism in disguise. Both of those assumptions are completely false. On the other hand, many scientists sympathetic with the theistic worldview have embraced IDT as a reasonable explanation for the creation of the universe and the origin of life.

IDT is certainly compatible with Christianity and other theistic religions. However, the scientists at the Discovery Institute are not all Christians. Some are actually agnostics. They try as much as possible to separate their faith convictions and doctrinal positions from their scientific research. It is that research that most of them assert has led them to the conclusion of the existence of an Intelligent Designer, which most equate with God.

All this is said to make it known that Illustra Media, a film maker associated with the Discovery Institute and IDT has produced a number of fantastic high quality documentary videos on scientific issues from the IDT position. They are, in my view, all definitely compatible with evangelical Christianity and the Bible. For a limited time (through May 24th 2020), those videos are now available for free streaming on the internet. These would be great for parents and teachers to show to your high school and college aged kids while they are at home during the Coronavirus crisis. They are available at this web address:

I highly recommend these videos. This is a tremendous opportunity to expose your children and friends to science from a theistic worldview. They would also make great discussion starters for small groups and dialogs with skeptics.

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