Dialog: Why Do We Do What We Do?

Recently we received this comment about one of our articles on the Market Ministries website (see the articles at: http://www.marketfaith.org/2018/04/update-on-the-way-international-and-its-offspring). We felt it deserved a thorough answer so we are reprinting his comments and our response in this installment of our newsletter. The Comment:
Whatever happened to “love your enemy”?…
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Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Judaizers

The word Judaizer comes from the Greek verb Judaize (Ioudaizein). This word is used only once in the Greek New Testament, in Galatians 2:14, when the apostle Paul publicly challenged Peter as he was attempting to influence Gentile converts to “judaize” (to live according to Jewish customs).…
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Is it Possible to Share an Effective Witness in Modern Society?

Recently, LifeWay Research did a survey called the 2019 Discipleship Pathway Assessment. Part of that survey, conducted Jan. 14 – 29, was designed to gauge Christian evangelism efforts. What they found is that there is an overall excitement and eagerness among Christians about the idea of evangelism, However, “few…
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