A watchdog group based in London is reporting that China, on a massive scale, harvests organs from prisoners of conscience … while they are alive. The report says that they cut out the hearts and other organs of innocent living people in order to use them for people who are not on the outs with the government. Experts claim that between 60,000 to 100,000 organ transplants are done each year in China, and most are done by executing prisoners of conscience and using their organs. It is hard to imagine a more sordid evil than what this report details.

But unbelievably, a very similar thing has been going on in the United States. This practice was exposed when pro-life citizen journalists Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden went undercover in 2015 and filmed conversations with people who worked for Planned Parenthood and certain biospecimen providers such as StemExpress. The undercover videos demonstrate, without any doubt, that Planned Parenthood was harvesting these body parts from aborted fetuses and selling them to these biospecimen providers.

To see the parallel to what is going on in China, we need to know the kinds of experimentation that is being done with some of these baby body parts. It turns out that Planned Parenthood has been supplying beating baby hearts to these companies. What that means is, the aborted babies are still alive when the organ harvesting is taking place. To make matters even worse, it is not Planned Parenthood and StemExpress who are being prosecuted in court, it is the undercover citizen journalists.

In times past, this kind of thing would never have even been considered in American society. Back in the days when a biblical worldview was the primary source of society’s values, this kind of activity would have been totally unthinkable. But we live in a new day. Now society is dominated by a naturalistic worldview, and the major institutions of society follow moral values that emerge from that belief foundation.

Naturalism is the belief that the natural universe is all that exists – there is no God or any transcendent reality. With that as a starting point, there can be no such thing as an objective right or wrong. As such, people have to make up morality for themselves based on what they consider to be the best for society. Since, to them, human beings are nothing more than natural animals, and pre-born babies are not even viable members of society, they do not see any kind of ultimate value in these children. They have come up with all kinds of reasons why it is okay to kill them. In the case of selling the body parts, the rationale is that by studying the body parts, they can come up with a better understanding of how to treat various problems and illnesses.

In a nutshell, values based on a naturalistic worldview are anti-freedom, hedonistic, and, in this case, barbaric. The truth is, God does exist and has created mankind as persons in his image with intrinsic value. Fighting for the life of the unborn is not a political struggle, it is a moral and spiritual one. Every Christian should be on the forefront of facing down this massive evil in society.

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