Evolutionary Junk Science

Elizabeth C. Turner is an Earth Science professor at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. She is a geologist and paleobiologist. In a recent article, she asked the question, “Ever wonder how and when animals swanned onto the evolutionary stage?” You can read the article for yourself at: https://theconversation.com/a-new-fossil-discovery-may-add-hundreds-of-millions-of-years-to-the-evolutionary-history-of-animals-167945) Well,…
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Why Evolution Is So Important to Atheists

The Conversation is a network of not-for-profit media outlets that publish news stories on the internet that are written by academic experts and researchers. On their website, they explain that their purpose is to provide access to quality explanatory journalism. In some cases, academics merely write articles and post them…
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The Scope of Evolution

Evolutionary “scientists,” of all stripes, believe that everything, in all of reality, can be accounted for by naturalistic evolution. Evolutionary biologists, for instance, believe the variety of life forms on earth can be accounted for by natural evolutionary change over time. But it is not just those who work in…
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The Scope of Evolution

Evolutionary “scientists,” of all stripes, believe that everything, in all of reality, can be accounted for by naturalistic evolution. Evolutionary biologists, for instance, believe the variety of life forms on earth can be accounted for by natural evolutionary change over time. But it is not just those who work in…
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Debate on The Evolution Delusion

Every month, on the MarketFaith Ministries website, I post a short video about the implications of worldview thinking concerning various topics. You can check those out at: http://www.marketfaith.org/category/videos. Not too long ago, I posted one on the topic of naturalistic evolution. I had recently read evolutionary biologist and radical…
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