The Ten Commandments: A Ten Part study of the Decalogue – Part 5

In this ten part series we are studying in depth the Ten Commandments. Probably no ancient legal code is better known in the Western World than these ten precepts given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. But, as we have discussed, most people today are only vaguely familiar with…
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The Ten Commandments: A Ten Part study of the Decalogue – Part 4

Ever been riding around town on a typical Saturday morning, going shopping, doing sports, going out to eat breakfast? You may have observed that nearly all churches are usually closed on Saturdays. Sure you have, but did you happen to notice a few church buildings looked busy with cars parked…
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The Ten Commandments: A Ten Part study of the Decalogue – Part 3

One of America’s favorite Christmas TV movies is A Christmas Story. It is author Jean Shepherd’s humorous semi-fictional first person recounting of being a boy in the 1940s named Ralphie. His one great desire is for Santa Clause to bring him a Red Rider BB gun for Christmas. However, every…
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The Ten Commandments: A Ten Part study of the Decalogue – Part 1

As college student I thought seriously about studying law. However, for two reasons I did not do so. For one, I simply could not afford it and was not smart enough to get a scholarship. And second, when I was a Junior in college I was called to ministry.…
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Swedenborgianism: The Visionary Cult of a Genius

Ever wonder who was the smartest person who ever lived? Plato? Confucius? Newton? Aquinas? Madam Curie? Einstein? I’m sure we could add many other names to the list of highly intelligent people of history. Some human beings are simply born with an extraordinary level of native intellect. In modern times…
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What is Your Worldview?: Take this True-false Worldview Profile Inventory to Find Out

If you have ever read any of the articles and blogs on the MarketFaith Ministries websites or newsletters you know that “worldview” is the major part of our subject repertoire. We delineate four essential worldviews that comprise the foundation of every belief system in existence (we will reveal the four…
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and the Cults

Ever heard of Marshall Applewhite (Heaven’s Gate), David Berg (The Children of God), Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science), L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology), Jim Jones (People’s Temple), David Koresh (Branch Davidians), Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church), Elijah Muhammad (Nation of Islam), Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Rajneeshites), Joseph Smith, Jr. (Mormonism), and Victor…
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What Does a Solar Eclipse Do Besides Obscure the Sun?

It was about one o’clock on a cool Saturday afternoon of March 7, 1970. Several teammates and I were standing on the running track in front of Leon High School getting ready to do some extra weekend practice (believe it or not I did the shot-put). The sky was thickly…
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