What is “Historic Christianity?” Part 2

What is “Historic Christianity?” Part 2
By Tal Davis (You can read part 1 at: http://www.marketfaith.org/2020/06/what-is-historic-christianity-part-1) “Of course I’m a Christian,” said Tom, responding to his office friend Mike. “I go to church every week and study the Scriptures. I even served two years as a missionary for my…
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What is “Historic Christianity?” Part 1

The college professor faced his Comparative Religions class on its first day. He took a poll, “Who among you consider yourselves Christians?” Most students in the class raised their hands. He then asked for other faiths: Jewish, Hindu, etc., even atheist. One or two raised their hands for each. After…
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Joseph of Cyprus: A Mighty Man of Faith! – Part 1

The Bible tells the stories of great men and women of faith. In the Old Testament are Abraham, Moses, Joseph, David, Esther, Deborah, and many others, The New Testament chronicles the lives of Jesus (of course), Peter, Paul, John, and other great disciples of the Lord. One of greatest of…
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Heads up on Another Splinter off the Way International Tree

The Way International (TWI) has been on cult watchers’ radar screens for decades. We ourselves have two articles in our website concerning that movement. Started in the early 1950s by the late Victor Paul Wierwille (1916-1985), the original organization was called the Way Incorporated. It is now known as the…
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Corona Virus – Time for Churches to Step Up!

The Corona Virus pandemic is affecting every aspect of life in America. Business, health care, economics, government, sports, schools, entertainment, and religion are all suffering the negative fallout from the spreading disease. It is certainly a major worry and requires the attention of every aspect of society, including churches. All…
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The Prophetess Jeane Dixon – Part 2: Was She or Was She Not?

Each day, millions of Americans’ first activity is to check the daily horoscope in their local newspaper. Given that most younger adults no longer even read a newspaper, many of them now go to one of the many astrological websites where they can read their horoscopes. Some wealthy celebrities even…
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