Dealing with Morally Questionable Issues: Or “Where’s the Beef?” – Tal Davis

Forty years ago, Wendy’s Hamburgers had a TV ad in which an old woman pulled up to a drive-in window at a fast-food restaurant. She looks at the burger they give her and cries out, “Where’s the beef?!” Meat, of course, is a normal part of our diet (though some…
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The Common Denominator – Part 2 – Tal Davis

What do all the following famous TV and movie stars all have in common? Tom Cruise; Jennifer Lawrence; Tom Hanks; Meryl Streep; Robert Duval; Cate Blanchett; Morgan Freeman; Viola Davis; Harrison Ford; Glenn Close; Will Smith; Angelina Jolie; Dustin Hoffman; Faye Dunaway; Denzel Washington; Natalie Portman; Brad Pitt; Nicole Kidman;…
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The Common Denominator – Part 1 – Tal Davis

What do the following famous TV and movie stars all have in common? John Wayne; Steve McQueen; Marilyn Monroe; Bob Newhart; Johnny Carson; Lucille Ball; Mary Tyler Moore; Don Knotts; Doris Day; Paul Walker; Carrie Fisher; Suzanne Somers; Roy Scheider; Heath Ledger; Elvis Presley; Peter Boyle; Brittany Murphy; Leonard Nimoy;…
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Baptism for the Dead – Tal Davis

Recently the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (formerly LDS or Mormon church) had an open house for its new temple in Tallahassee, Florida. Non-members of the LDS were invited to tour the new facility and see first hand the rooms where the various “sacred” rituals are performed for…
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Where is That in the Bible? Part 1 – Tal Davis

We all take a lot of things for granted. That is to say, we believe certain things are true because everyone says it is. Unfortunately, that is also true with the Bible. Many people, even most Christians, have been taught that certain things are said in the Bible, and we…
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A Biblical Focus On Prayer – Part 7 – Tal Davis

From the fourth Thursday in November until January first of the next year, is what Americans call “The Holidays.” Starting with Thanksgiving, through Christmas, and ending on New Year’s Day, we celebrate with food and family. Each year Americans eat untold of tons of turkey, ham, dressing, black-eyed peas, green…
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