Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Astrology

The most prominent religious expression related to Astrology that we find mentioned in the Bible regards the practice of the Magi who visited Jesus at the time of his birth. The Magi were known to be a priestly clan of “stargazers” from the region of what is now modern…
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Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Egyptian Gods

The ancient Egyptian religion was an animistic belief system that expressed itself as a set of polytheistic beliefs and rituals. Its underlying worldview beliefs assumed that humans could interact with various deities who were believed to be present in, and in control of, the forces of nature. People would…
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The Non-Christian Beliefs of Modern Liberalism

Modern American Liberalism is typically associated with politics, not with religion. That said, the worldview beliefs that are associated with it are decidedly religious. Modern Liberal beliefs have, as their worldview foundation, Naturalism – which is an atheistic faith system. There are, of course, many people who consider themselves both…
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Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Baal Worship

During the period of ancient Israel’s entry and settlement into the Promised Land, after their exile in Egypt and forty years wandering in the wilderness, the Israelites often interacted with the Baal worshiping Canaanites who already lived there. This animistic worship form was the primary religion among the many…
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