Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Epicureanism

In Acts 17, we read the story of the apostle Paul going to Athens, Greece and interacting with people from many different religious backgrounds. One of those was a group of Epicureans. Epicureanism was a belief system founded by a Greek philosopher named Epicurus. While this religion was not…
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Emanuel: God with Us

Most people tend to think about life in terms of categories. We have the categories of family, media, education, entertainment, government and politics, business, and religion. In living life and interacting in these various arenas, the majority of people generally don’t see a connection between them. When they are engaging…
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Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Greek Gods

While the Western world was largely controlled by the Romans during the New Testament era, it was Greek culture and religion that had the greatest influence on the people in that part of the world. That influence extended beyond Greece to Asia Minor, Italy, and throughout the Western Mediterranean.…
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