Debate on The Evolution Delusion

Every month, on the MarketFaith Ministries website, I post a short video about the implications of worldview thinking concerning various topics. You can check those out at: Not too long ago, I posted one on the topic of naturalistic evolution. I had recently read evolutionary biologist and radical…
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The Indoctrination at School Fallacy

You can hardly read the news concerning what is going on at most university campuses these days without noticing an obvious pattern – politically liberal viewpoints are promoted and celebrated, while politically conservative beliefs are mocked and suppressed. There have been very high profile cases in which conservative speakers have…
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Can we Mix Politics and Religion?

I personally know a number of politicians who are committed Christians, and who work very diligently to express their faith through their political efforts. On the other hand, there are politicians who claim to be very religious, but who only use religion as a means of furthering their political ambitions.…
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Religion and the Democrat Party Platform

Recently I came across an article about the religion of the various Democrat candidates for president. As I looked it over, it seems that most of them claim religious affiliation with faith groups that are considered socially and politically liberal. The groups that are decidedly that way as a denomination…
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He Has No Idea What He Is Doing

Last year, a very famous pastor and author walked away from his church, divorced his wife, and declared, “I am not a Christian.” Joshua Harris was pastor of a megachurch for about 11 years before leaving that work. He was also the author of what became a very popular book…
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