Does Faith Represent Reality?: The Biblical Worldview Understanding of Faith

Not too long ago I had a conversation with another Christian about the idea of faith. One of the things that was said to me was that we can’t absolutely “know” that our beliefs are true because we can’t “prove” God. It wouldn’t be “faith” if we absolutely knew. There…
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The Scope of Evolution

Evolutionary “scientists,” of all stripes, believe that everything, in all of reality, can be accounted for by naturalistic evolution. Evolutionary biologists, for instance, believe the variety of life forms on earth can be accounted for by natural evolutionary change over time. But it is not just those who work in…
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According to the Friendly Atheist, White Christians are Racist

  As you might suspect, the Friendly Atheist is an Atheist website dedicated to promoting Atheist causes. So, it should come as no surprise that they would publish an article entitled White Christians Are More Racist than Non-religious People, Claims Researcher. The researcher they are referring to is Robert…
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Conversation with JL – An Antagonistic Atheist

I frequently post blogs related to the worldview perspective of things going on in society, and a Facebook conversation emerged out of a recent one that I did called Why Would the Government Consider Closing Down Churches? You may read it at: Initially there were several people who jumped…
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No Urinals Allowed

The Portland Building, also called the Portland Municipal Services Building, is a 15-story municipal office complex that houses government offices for the City of Portland, Oregon. It was built in 1982 at a cost of 29 million dollars. They are now spending $195,000.00 to remodel it. Obviously, older buildings need…
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The Spiritual Nature of the Democrat Party Platform

It is very difficult, these days, to even talk about politics and political policy because most people hold such strong feelings one way or the other that different opinions seem to quickly become fights. The difficulty, though, is not so much expressed in policy. If it were, then discussing, and…
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Cancel Culture in the U.S. Military

Cancel culture is all the rage these days. Cancel culture refers to the practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies that have been deemed to have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. This is probably seen more prominently as a form of group shaming on…
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Sharing Your Faith Based on the News

Beginning a conversation that leads to a witness opportunity can be a very awkward proposition for a lot of people. It is awkward because religion is a subject that does not fit naturally within most people’s everyday conversations where there is no context for discussing faith matters. People generally have…
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