Are Bible Believing Christians White Nationalists?

There is an effort afoot these days by certain people to marginalize Christians in society. These are people who have no use for Christians and Christianity, and there are numerous ways they are attempting to achieve their goal. One method is to disparage Christian values by asserting that Christian beliefs…
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When Speaking Truth Is a Hate Crime

When Speaking Truth Is a Hate Crime There is a technique being used against Christians, and others, who are speaking out against non-biblical beliefs and anti-Christian social and political policies, that is specifically designed to shut people up. This particular technique does not allow for a discussion of the topic…
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Is Progressive Christianity Really Christianity?

James McGrath is the Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature at Butler University. He is a self proclaimed Progressive Christian, and truly believes that his view of Christianity represents the truth. So just what is Progressive Christianity? Well, in order to get of sense of it,…
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Separation of Church and State Is So Misunderstood

Without a doubt, the U.S. Supreme Court has had a pretty eventful year. It is quite fascinating, to me, to observe how different people react to the court’s various rulings. Over the years, rulings have come down on both sides of the fence, with political conservatives sometimes being very disappointed…
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