The Intolerance of the “Tolerant”

If there is one characterization that those who dis Christians like to throw out, it is that we are intolerant. We are intolerant if we believe:
  • homosexuality is wrong,
  • homosexual marriage is not actually marriage,
  • transgenderism is a mental illness,
  • those who abort their babies are murdering human beings,
  • sex
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Words Matter with Worldview

Here’s one for you: The Trans Doe Task force is seeking to encourage scientists to find new ways of discerning a human fossil’s gender apart from biology. What? That couldn’t possibly be right could it? Well apparently it is. The Trans Doe Task Force is a niche advocacy nonprofit that…
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Transgenderism and a Biblical Worldview

AJ Buckley, a transgender Episcopal priest and associate rector at Saint David of Wales Episcopal Church in Portland, Oregon, made this statement: “For me as a non-binary person, I’ve been to so many churches where they don’t have a bathroom that I feel like I can use, and so I’ll…
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Handling Severe Persecution

American Christians are increasingly being pressured to give up, or at least water down, their faith. For instance, during the pandemic, some states specifically targeted churches and forced them to close. Then there are the numerous cases where business owners have been brought to court and severely fined because they…
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