The Discipleship Mirage – Part 4: An Introduction to Christian Worldview Discipleship Training

You can read part 1 at: You can read part 2 at: You can read part 3 at: Let me start you out with a question: What good are random facts or acts without a unifying theme? For instance, can you identify any tasks you do related…
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The Discipleship Mirage – Part 3: Creating a Disruptor

You will find Part 1 at: You will find Part 2 at: You may be aware that there have been various companies over the last couple of decades that have been genuine disruptors in their industries – companies that have caused radical change in an existing market because…
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The Discipleship Mirage – Part 2: The Quest for a Comprehensive Approach to Discipleship Training

[You can read Part 1, What is the Discipleship Mirage?, at:] My personal journey down the road of helping churches put a focus on discipleship training began with my missionary experience. My wife and I served nearly 17 years as missionaries in two different countries – nearly 12…
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The Discipleship Mirage – Part 1: What is the Discipleship Mirage?

Back in the day when most churches had regular church programs on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings, there was a predictable pattern regarding attendance. The largest attendance was in the Sunday morning worship service, with the next largest being in the Bible study program that happened prior to…
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