Words Matter with Worldview

Here’s one for you: The Trans Doe Task force is seeking to encourage scientists to find new ways of discerning a human fossil’s gender apart from biology. What? That couldn’t possibly be right could it? Well apparently it is. The Trans Doe Task Force is a niche advocacy nonprofit that…
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There’s Something Weird, in the Universe, Who Ya Gonna Call?

The new generation of space telescopes (beginning primarily with the Hubble Space Telescope) were designed to do more than merely give astronomers a better view of the universe. There is some other very serious science packed into these babies. Of course, they have provided us with spectacular images that awe…
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What’s So Bad about Drag Queens?

Are you familiar with the Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSA)? It was founded by writer Michelle Tea with its stated purpose to “give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.” The way it works is that drag queens (male performers who dress in women’s clothes and perform before an…
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The Demonization of Christians in America

HBO late night comedian Bill Maher has made no secret of the fact that he is a militant Atheist, and it is not uncommon at all for him to make derisive comments about Christians and Christianity. He did not disappoint, recently, when on his show he dismissively said, “The events…
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Abortion and Progressive Evangelicals- What Do They Expect?

I don’t usually engage political issues in this blog. I prefer to address moral and theological principles. However, this week it was reported that a group of what we might term “progressive evangelical pro-life Christians” expressed their great disappointment with the current administration. An open letter was published Tuesday from…
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Mainstream Journalists (and others) are Clueless about Christianity

The caption under a Reuters photo accompanying an anti-Christian article reads: The power of religion in the US defies logic and science. Then there is this:
“I simply don’t know how so many Americans have remained impervious to evolution, 162 years after the publication of Charles Darwin’s On The Origin
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What Would You Think If …?

What would you think if your state legislature mandated that every one of the teachers in your state must adopt progressive political orthodoxy and teach it to their students? And what would you think if the penalty for noncompliance was for the teachers to lose their teaching license? This may…
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