What Does a Solar Eclipse Do Besides Obscure the Sun?

It was about one o’clock on a cool Saturday afternoon of March 7, 1970. Several teammates and I were standing on the running track in front of Leon High School getting ready to do some extra weekend practice (believe it or not I did the shot-put). The sky was thickly…
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How Involved are You in Your Church?

Last year the Pew Research Center published the results of a survey taken in 2014 gauging the levels of involvement of the members of various American church denominations in their congregations. They rated members as involved at high, medium, and low levels. Pew defined the high category as being officially…
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New Poll: Religious Slide Continues in USA

The results of a new poll conducted by the highly respected Pew Research Center for Religion and Public Life (PRCRPL) was released on November 3rd. For many years the PRCRPL has followed the trends in various aspects of American society, especially concerning the religious identification, practices, and beliefs…
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Planned Parenthood and “Situation Ethics”

 In the 1960s an ordained Episcopal priest and Harvard Divinity School ethics professor named Joseph Fletcher (1905-1991) wrote a best selling book titled Situation Ethics. In his lectures and books, Fletcher (who later admitted he was an atheist) used a number of hypothetical moral dilemmas to advocate his view…
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The Next Moral Domino Down?

For the past thirty years or more, secularists and moral relativists, including many who claim to be Christian, have cunningly manipulated the media to convince the masses that fornication, homosexuality, transvestism, gay marriage, sadomasochism, and other practices that in past generations were regarded as wrong (or at least…
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Christian Stewardship Matters!

Recently I read where a prominent and popular televangelist is asking 200,000 of his television viewers (I call them “his fans”) to donate at least $300 each for a special fundraising campaign. And what might that campaign be for? So his organization can purchase a new luxury airplane for his…
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Christian Persecution in 2014 was Worst in Modern Era

“While the year 2014 will go down in history for having the highest level of global persecution of Christians in the modern era, current conditions suggest the worst is yet to come.” So begins the 2015 Open Doors World Watch List, released on January 7. The annual report is made…
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Take Your Youth Group to See “The Giver!”

  What would it be like to live in a world where people were assigned their careers by an all-powerful state? Who would want to live in a place where emotions, sensations, and pain were neutralized by a daily dose of a drug?  Would you want a world without war…
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The Fabric of Our Faith

A number of years ago I worked in the men’s clothing section of a large department store.   I was not there long but I did learn a few things about the garment business. One key thing I learned was about the quality of various fabrics. Fabrics are the basic textile…
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