Truth, Love, and the Truth in Love – Part 1 – Tal Davis

“The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth!” – 2 John “And the lonely voice of youth cries, ‘What is truth?’” – Johnny Cash In the Gospel and the three letters ascribed to the Apostle John, the themes of love and truth were prominent. This was also especially…
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What is “Historic Christianity?” Part 3

View part one of this series at:
View part two of this series at: “You need the Holy Ghost!” said James, a dedicated member of the United Pentecostal Church International to his Baptist friend, Dave. “I already have the Holy Spirit,” replied Dave. “No you don’t!” retorted James.…
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What Does a Solar Eclipse Do Besides Obscure the Sun?

It was about one o’clock on a cool Saturday afternoon of March 7, 1970. Several teammates and I were standing on the running track in front of Leon High School getting ready to do some extra weekend practice (believe it or not I did the shot-put). The sky was thickly…
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How Involved are You in Your Church?

Last year the Pew Research Center published the results of a survey taken in 2014 gauging the levels of involvement of the members of various American church denominations in their congregations. They rated members as involved at high, medium, and low levels. Pew defined the high category as being officially…
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Planned Parenthood and “Situation Ethics”

 In the 1960s an ordained Episcopal priest and Harvard Divinity School ethics professor named Joseph Fletcher (1905-1991) wrote a best selling book titled Situation Ethics. In his lectures and books, Fletcher (who later admitted he was an atheist) used a number of hypothetical moral dilemmas to advocate his view…
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The Next Moral Domino Down?

For the past thirty years or more, secularists and moral relativists, including many who claim to be Christian, have cunningly manipulated the media to convince the masses that fornication, homosexuality, transvestism, gay marriage, sadomasochism, and other practices that in past generations were regarded as wrong (or at least…
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A Day We Shouldn’t Forget (But not just for the reason you think)

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was late Friday afternoon in Mrs. Farrell’s sixth-grade class at the old Sealey Elementary School on 7th Avenue in Tallahassee. A guy named Joe and I were having fun slicing construction paper with a paper-cutter and looking forward to the weekend
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Meet the New Pope- Same as the Old Pope

Unless you have been hiding in a cave in Antarctica for the past week, you already know that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina was elected on Wednesday, March 13th as the new Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.  The new Pontiff has taken the name of Pope Francis…
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