Discussion with Atheists on YouTube – Part 1

Each month I produce a video where I talk about some practical expression of worldview beliefs. Periodically, I specifically do something on Atheism – which generally brings militant Atheists out of the woodwork. Recently I did one called Most Atheists Honestly Don’t Get It (You can view it for yourself…
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Facebook Discussion with Liberal Christians and Atheists

Occasionally I take an opportunity to engage people on social media who are putting out posts that somehow misrepresent the Christian message. The meme above is one such misrepresentation that landed on my Facebook page, and which I felt needed to be responded to. The message in this meme is…
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The Trouble with China

Last week CNN reluctantly stated that, despite all their propaganda to the contrary, the Chinese were actually responsible for the COVID-19 virus outbreak and worldwide dissemination. It is now clear that the Chinese government denied the fact that the virus originated in the city of Wuhan and tried to cover…
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According to the Friendly Atheist, White Christians are Racist

  As you might suspect, the Friendly Atheist is an Atheist website dedicated to promoting Atheist causes. So, it should come as no surprise that they would publish an article entitled White Christians Are More Racist than Non-religious People, Claims Researcher. The researcher they are referring to is Robert…
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He Has No Idea What He Is Doing

Last year, a very famous pastor and author walked away from his church, divorced his wife, and declared, “I am not a Christian.” Joshua Harris was pastor of a megachurch for about 11 years before leaving that work. He was also the author of what became a very popular book…
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