Debate on The Evolution Delusion

Every month, on the MarketFaith Ministries website, I post a short video about the implications of worldview thinking concerning various topics. You can check those out at: Not too long ago, I posted one on the topic of naturalistic evolution. I had recently read evolutionary biologist and radical…
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Conversation with a Jehovah’s Witness

In August of 2006, I wrote an article which was printed in the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper. This article led to an e-mail conversation with a Jehovah’s Witness believer. In order to give some context to the conversation, the original article is copied below. Following that is the conversation. Disagreement Needn’t…
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Are Christian Beliefs Allowed in the Public Square?

Every Fall, at the beginning of the school year, there are a couple of different Christian efforts that play out in high schools around the country – and even around the world. Both of these see significant participation each year. One of the events is called “See You at the…
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