Live with Urgency! – Part 2 – Doing Effective Missions in the 21st Century – Tal Davis

Early in World War II, the United States Marine Corps fighting in the Pacific found they had a serious problem. They discovered that when various units were communicating back and forth over the radio, the messages were being intercepted by Japanese intelligence officers who understood English. They would then pass…
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The Social Justice Heresy – Part 2: A Christian Response

In part 1 of this article, we looked at a definition of Social Justice and how it exists in modern society. You can read part 1 at: We pick up here dealing with how Christians need to interact with and refute this heretical belief. Why Social Justice Is…
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Facebook Debate about Abortion

  Some Christians wonder, “Why should I get involved in debates or conversations with non-believers regarding abortion and other moral issues?” The simple answer to that question is that in today’s America, those kinds of conversations are not mere policy or political debates. They are witnessing opportunities. When I say…
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Facebook Discussion with Liberal Christians and Atheists

Occasionally I take an opportunity to engage people on social media who are putting out posts that somehow misrepresent the Christian message. The meme above is one such misrepresentation that landed on my Facebook page, and which I felt needed to be responded to. The message in this meme is…
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You Better Keep Your Eyes Open

Religious bigotry leads to religious persecution – and the level of religious bigotry that exists in modern American society is palpable. If you don’t believe it, then you have your head stuck in the sand. Are you aware that in the 2012 Democrat Party platform, they literally removed the word…
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Eight Key Questions for Interpreting the Bible – Part 2 – Tal Davis

In Part One of this two part series, we examined four questions that need to be answered in order to competently interpret the Bible. We discussed the fact that many people read or study Scripture, or participate in study groups, without really having a knowledge of the essential principles of…
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Conversation with JL – An Antagonistic Atheist

I frequently post blogs related to the worldview perspective of things going on in society, and a Facebook conversation emerged out of a recent one that I did called Why Would the Government Consider Closing Down Churches? You may read it at: Initially there were several people who jumped…
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