The Discipleship Mirage – Part 3: Creating a Disruptor

You will find Part 1 at: You will find Part 2 at: You may be aware that there have been various companies over the last couple of decades that have been genuine disruptors in their industries – companies that have caused radical change in an existing market because…
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The Discipleship Mirage – Part 1: What is the Discipleship Mirage?

Back in the day when most churches had regular church programs on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings, there was a predictable pattern regarding attendance. The largest attendance was in the Sunday morning worship service, with the next largest being in the Bible study program that happened prior to…
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How to Solve the Church Discipleship Dilemma

In practical terms, this article may be one of the most important that I have ever written. It addresses a problem and offers a solution to one of the churches’ most fundamental struggles in modern society. There is a lot of talk these days about the need to strengthen discipleship…
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Dialog with a British Atheist

Recently I posted a video on YouTube for the MarketFaith Ministries website entitled “What is Religion?” (You can view it at: This one was particularly making the point that Atheism is a religious point of view. I think there are some Atheists who seek out these kinds of…
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Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church

The invasion by Russia on its neighbor, the Ukraine, has shocked the world, to say the least. Ordered by President Vladimir Putin, the invasion has demonstrated that he has little or no regard for human life. The Russian military has bombed, burned, and barraged Ukrainian cities killing thousands of Ukraine…
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