Conversation with an Agnostic

I find it extremely fascinating how people view certain of my videos on YouTube and proceed to attack me using the very principles they attack me for. Essentially, they attack me for promoting beliefs which cannot be demonstrated by empirical science using beliefs which cannot be demonstrated by empirical science.…
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All I Could Do Was Shake My Head

Today, as I write this (May 7), is the National Day of Prayer. Each year, this day is celebrated in our nation’s capitol and in state capitols all around the country. The one in Florida was held on the 22nd floor (top floor) of our state capitol. There was a…
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What Can We Do?

Virtually every day, now, we are seeing new headlines about Christians being kidnaped, beheaded, sold into slavery, and other vile things. This persecution is happening particularly in parts of the Middle East and Africa, but we hear of it in other Muslim dominated countries as well. It is such a…
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We Are Being Forced to Adhere to Atheism

Dateline: King, North Carolina. It looks like Americans United for Separation of Church and State have won another one. They have pressured the small city of King to remove a metal sculpture depicting a soldier kneeling in prayer before a cross from a city park where it has been for…
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Conversation with a Nihilist

In the following dialog, I have a conversation with a person who wanted to challenge belief in a Christian worldview. “The Nihilistic Potato” began this conversation based on a video I had posted on YouTube. This video was called “Can Atheists Be Moral?” You can view it at: The…
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Conversation with a Postmodernist : June 2014

Many reading the following conversation will find this discussion quite disturbing. The reason it is disturbing is that the Postmodernist in this case is a pastor and chaplain. I have changed his name here out of respect for his privacy (I will call him William). Rest assured, though, the following…
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To Pray or Not to Pray

There has been a lot of controversy over the last several decades over whether or not prayer should be allowed at public venues. Obviously, there were the two supreme court cases in 1962 and 63 when prayer was banned in public schools. Fast forward to the recent Supreme Court ruling…
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I Am a Simple Buddhist Monk

On Tuesday, March 6, 2014, history was made. For the first time ever, the Dalai Lama, the leader of Tibetan Buddhism, had the opening “prayer” for the United States Senate. Looking at its content, it wasn’t really much of a prayer. He began asserting that he was a “simple Buddhist…
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