American’s Struggle to Talk Across Divides

Recently, George Barna released some polling which discussed some of the massive, and expanding, divides we see in American culture. These divides are easily seen in the U.S. population in areas such as the amount of wealth people have (rich vs. poor), race relations, religious conflict, gender battles, sexuality wars,
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Dealing with Easter Doubts

This is what some call “Holy Week.” It is the week we commemorate the events leading up to and including the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Most churches and Christians sort of go through the motions to celebrate Good Friday (what a misnomer that is) and Easter (also a…
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A Christian Worldview Perspective on Worship

People conceive of the word worship in numerous ways. For some, it is a reference to a worship service held in a church. For others, it refers to that portion of a public worship service composed of prayer and singing. Still others conceive of it in private terms, as they…
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How to Witness to an Anti-Christian World

Because of the political nature of our current societal environment, almost everything people do these days is, in many people’s eyes, evaluated based on political motives – even if the motives are not actually political. Let me give a couple of examples. Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky, refused,…
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Shari’a Law Versus the United States Constitution

The First Amendment to the Constitution of The United States reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the…
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New Poll: Religious Slide Continues in USA

The results of a new poll conducted by the highly respected Pew Research Center for Religion and Public Life (PRCRPL) was released on November 3rd. For many years the PRCRPL has followed the trends in various aspects of American society, especially concerning the religious identification, practices, and beliefs…
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Religious Freedom vs. Discrimination

Recently I had another interaction with an Atheist who wanted to pick a fight with me about a video I posted on the MarketFaith Ministries website. As you are probably well aware, there has been a lot of public pressure on Christians lately to deny our Christian faith, particularly as…
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