Spotting Resistance to a Biblical Worldview

In today’s world, there are certain times when we ought to expect resistance when we express our beliefs based on a biblical worldview. On the other hand, there are other times we will find opposition and be surprised to see it. We expect resistance when the people who push back…
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How to Listen to a Sermon

“I know he is a good pastor, but I don’t really understand his sermons.” Ever heard anyone say that about their pastor? Many people go to church regularly and yet complain that they don’t get much out of the preacher’s messages. Many times all they can do is struggle to…
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What is the “Priesthood of the Believer?”

At various times in my ministry I have engaged leaders of religious groups whose adherents call them “priests.” Those groups include the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican (Episcopalian) churches, Eastern Orthodox churches, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormons), and some Lutheran churches. Of course, those groups have very…
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Conversation with a Baha’i Believer

It is quite possible that you are not very familiar with the Baha’i faith. It is considered a world religion, though one of the newest and smallest. While their numbers are not that large, the influence they wield is quite out of proportion to their numbers. They have managed to…
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Eight Questions for Evaluating Religious Movements – Part 2

In the previous installment I indicated that, based on my decades of studying various faith groups and belief systems, I have determined eight key questions that Christians need to ask to adequately evaluate religious movements. I am convinced that there exists a desperate need for believers to investigate the tenets…
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How Involved are You in Your Church?

Last year the Pew Research Center published the results of a survey taken in 2014 gauging the levels of involvement of the members of various American church denominations in their congregations. They rated members as involved at high, medium, and low levels. Pew defined the high category as being officially…
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