Louis Farrakhan and The Nation of Islam – Part 2

Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, the Branch Davidians, Scientology: These are but a few of the strange and unusual religious movements that have their origin in the United States. One of the most bizarre that sprang up in the last century was the Nation of Islam (NOI). In the first…
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Discussion with Atheist about the Nature of Reality

As one of his offerings for the MarketFaith Ministries newsletter, Tal wrote a two part series called “Six Questions Atheists Can’t Answer.” You can read them at:
Six Questions Atheists Can’t Answer: Part 1 (http://www.marketfaith.org/2016/01/six-questions-atheists-cant-answer-part-1/)
Six Questions Atheists Can’t Answer: Part 2 (http://www.marketfaith.org/2016/02/six-questions-atheists-cant-answer-part-2/) There were several responses to these articles…
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The Deception of Temporal Blessings

Recently, a couple of massive hurricanes hit the U.S. mainland and caused severe damage and loss of life. As it turns out, I was in the path of one of them, and actually had to evacuate my house as it came near our area. In this one, we were without…
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Communicating Truth

One of my favorite teachers growing up was Mr. Howard. He taught 9th grade Earth Science. What made him so popular for me and his other students was his obvious enthusiasm for his subject, and his ability to impart knowledge to us. We learned a great deal about igneous, sedimentary,…
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The Bible: From God’s Mind to Our Lives – Part 1

Recently I was engaged in a conversation with a friend about the Bible. She asked me a question about how we got the English Bible we now have, how we know it is reliable, and how we interpret and apply it correctly for today’s world. She was concerned that so…
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Conversation with a Christian Scientist

I received an e-mail from a Christian Scientist after she read an article I had written about Christian Science: http://www.marketfaith.org/non-christian-worldviews/the-gospel-according-to-marilyn-monroe-christian-science. Christian Science (CS) is a religion that claims to be Christian, but which interprets the Bible using the filter of the writings of a woman named Mary Baker Eddy (MBE).…
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The Dynamic Church: Part 2

The Church’s one foundation
Is Jesus Christ her Lord;
She is His new creation
By water and the Word:
From heav’n He came and sought her
To be His holy Bride;
With His own blood He bought her,
And for her life He died.
(Usually sung to the tune AURELIA…
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Christian Ministry for Christians Not in Ministry

When you hear someone say, “So and so is IN THE MINISTRY, how do you interpret that? The common understanding of that phrase is that the person you are speaking of is doing Christian work on a professional basis; they serve as a pastor, church staff member, missionary, or the…
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