Worldview and Yoga

Over the years, there have been great debates in Christian circles regarding whether or not a Christian can practice yoga and still be a good Christian. Some, even well known, Christian pastors and leaders have roundly condemned it, and even called it satanic. There are others who insist that it…
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Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Greek Gods

While the Western world was largely controlled by the Romans during the New Testament era, it was Greek culture and religion that had the greatest influence on the people in that part of the world. That influence extended beyond Greece to Asia Minor, Italy, and throughout the Western Mediterranean.…
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Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Egyptian Gods

The ancient Egyptian religion was an animistic belief system that expressed itself as a set of polytheistic beliefs and rituals. Its underlying worldview beliefs assumed that humans could interact with various deities who were believed to be present in, and in control of, the forces of nature. People would…
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Non-Essential Christian Doctrines: Part 4 – Tongues

[Note: One of the most important things an understanding of worldview brings to us is a clear picture of the outer limits of the various belief systems that exist in the world. By understanding how a belief system answers the three worldview questions (Who is God? What is man? What
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Open Doors Releases 2018 Christian Persecution Report

Open Doors is a Christian ministry founded by the late famed Bible smuggler and religious rights advocate Brother Andrew (author of God’s Smuggler). Each January that organization releases its list of the worst fifty countries in the world for Christian persecution for the previous year. The 2018 Report is…
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