The 2013 Revised Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Bible

In 1950 the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WBTS – the official corporation of Jehovah’s Witnesses) published its own translation of the New Testament. They called it the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. In 1961, the society added the Old Testament and published them both as the…
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Planned Parenthood and “Situation Ethics”

 In the 1960s an ordained Episcopal priest and Harvard Divinity School ethics professor named Joseph Fletcher (1905-1991) wrote a best selling book titled Situation Ethics. In his lectures and books, Fletcher (who later admitted he was an atheist) used a number of hypothetical moral dilemmas to advocate his view…
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The Next Moral Domino Down?

For the past thirty years or more, secularists and moral relativists, including many who claim to be Christian, have cunningly manipulated the media to convince the masses that fornication, homosexuality, transvestism, gay marriage, sadomasochism, and other practices that in past generations were regarded as wrong (or at least…
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Christian Stewardship Matters!

Recently I read where a prominent and popular televangelist is asking 200,000 of his television viewers (I call them “his fans”) to donate at least $300 each for a special fundraising campaign. And what might that campaign be for? So his organization can purchase a new luxury airplane for his…
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The Phenomena of “Atheist Chaplains”

Recently the Associated Press ran a story about a former United Methodist youth minister who had come to the conclusion that he did not really believe in God or Christianity. Nonetheless, he still felt a need to help people and fellowship with like minded individuals like he had done for…
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Christian Persecution in 2014 was Worst in Modern Era

“While the year 2014 will go down in history for having the highest level of global persecution of Christians in the modern era, current conditions suggest the worst is yet to come.” So begins the 2015 Open Doors World Watch List, released on January 7. The annual report is made…
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