The 2013 Revised Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Bible

In 1950 the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WBTS – the official corporation of Jehovah’s Witnesses) published its own translation of the New Testament. They called it the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. In 1961, the society added the Old Testament and published them both as the…
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An Atheist Apologetic

I recently received an e-mail from an Atheist which was an attempt to drum up support for the Atheist cause. This was not something personal to me, but was a blast e-mail advertising his website: Below is the e-mail in its entirety. My reason for sharing this is that…
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The Christian’s “On-the-Job Living”

Can you remember your first paying job? Perhaps it was delivering newspapers on a paper route. Maybe it was as a store clerk selling clothes or food or whatever. Many young people’s first jobs are as servers in a diner or a fast food restaurant (McDonald’s even has an alumni…
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How Worldview Beliefs Affect People’s Decisions

People believe what they believe, and they live out those beliefs in daily life without ever even questioning whether they are right or wrong. Put another way, people live out their worldview beliefs actually believing that they are right. In fact, their very understanding of morality is driven by those…
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