How to Witness to an Anti-Christian World

Because of the political nature of our current societal environment, almost everything people do these days is, in many people’s eyes, evaluated based on political motives – even if the motives are not actually political. Let me give a couple of examples. Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky, refused,…
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Shari’a Law Versus the United States Constitution

The First Amendment to the Constitution of The United States reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the…
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The Proper Christian Response to Persecution

There are certain people who laugh at me when I make the assertion that Christians are being persecuted in America. Primarily this comes from people who are not sympathetic to Christians and Christianity, and who would like to see Christian values pushed out of the public square. How Do We…
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Worldview Foundations of Political Systems

Many people identify their life philosophy with some political philosophy. That is, they identify a political philosophy that resonates with them, for whatever reason, and they build their lives around it. I suppose there is some rationality in that, but it is only partly rational. The real issue that must…
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