What is Santeria?

Special thanks to my friend, Dr. Don Moore, who, for years, was a seminary professor and the Interfaith Witness Leader for the Caribbean Baptist Convention (Puerto Rico). His in-depth research into Afro-Caribbean religions forms the basis for this article. I attended one of his seminars years ago on this subject,…
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Dialog with a “Liberal Christian”

Below is a conversation I had with a person who self-identifies as a Christian, but who follows what is commonly labeled “Liberal (or Progressive) Christianity.” This theology looks at salvation as a social/material state, rather than a spiritual transformation. I would never put myself in the position to judge another…
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Why Immorality Has Become Normalized in American Culture

Based on the more common ways of viewing religious expression, Sweden is considered the least religious nation in the world. (Of course, that is not true based on a worldview perspective, as their religious foundation is actually Naturalism. They are just as religiously active in their faith as anyone who…
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Dealing with Easter Doubts

This is what some call “Holy Week.” It is the week we commemorate the events leading up to and including the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Most churches and Christians sort of go through the motions to celebrate Good Friday (what a misnomer that is) and Easter (also a…
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