The Spiritual State of 21st Century America

I don’t think it is news to anyone in this country to learn that the religious perspectives of Americans have radically changed over the past several decades. Fifty years ago, we were a nation in which the majority of the population overwhelmingly self-identified as Christian (by any definition). The largest…
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You Are the Target of Naturalist’s Evangelism

One of the most difficult things for most Christians to deal with as we interact with the culture is the charge that we should not express our religious values out in society. Those who oppose Christians expressing their faith assert that there are other values that exist as well, and…
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The Deception of Temporal Blessings

Recently, a couple of massive hurricanes hit the U.S. mainland and caused severe damage and loss of life. As it turns out, I was in the path of one of them, and actually had to evacuate my house as it came near our area. In this one, we were without…
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