A Christian Worldview Perspective on Retirement

Retirement, in our day and age, is a big thing. We see all kinds of commercials urging people to go to one particular financial counselor or another to make sure that when they get to the age of retirement they will have enough money to last them until they die.…
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Does God Exist and What Is He Like? Part 2

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What is God like? That’s a good question. Different theistic religious movements answer in various ways. Mormons, for instance, say God the Father is a glorified human being with a physical body who was once a man who lived on a planet like ours. Jesus was the…
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Does God Exist and What Is He Like?: Part 1

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If you are a Christian you believe in God. But do you ever ask yourself why you believe? Furthermore, do you ever think about what the God is like that you believe in? When I teach on the existence and nature of God, I usually distribute a…
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