The Ten Commandments: A Ten Part study of the Decalogue – Part 7

29 So is he who goes in to his neighbor’s wife; Whoever touches her shall not go unpunished. … 32 Whoever commits adultery with a woman is lacking sense. He who would destroy himself does it. 33 Wounds and disgrace he will find. And his reproach will not be blotted
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Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Greek Gods

While the Western world was largely controlled by the Romans during the New Testament era, it was Greek culture and religion that had the greatest influence on the people in that part of the world. That influence extended beyond Greece to Asia Minor, Italy, and throughout the Western Mediterranean.…
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The Ten Commandments: A Ten Part study of the Decalogue – Part 6

Alfred Hitchcock was one the world’s finest motion picture directors. His films are considered classics and are used as models for the art of cinematography. Many of Hitchcock’s best movies had a common theme: murder. They were murder mysteries wherein often an innocent person was caught in a web that…
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Non-Christian Beliefs Mentioned in the Bible: Astrology

The most prominent religious expression related to Astrology that we find mentioned in the Bible regards the practice of the Magi who visited Jesus at the time of his birth. The Magi were known to be a priestly clan of “stargazers” from the region of what is now modern…
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