Are Bible Believing Christians White Nationalists?

There is an effort afoot these days by certain people to marginalize Christians in society. These are people who have no use for Christians and Christianity, and there are numerous ways they are attempting to achieve their goal. One method is to disparage Christian values by asserting that Christian beliefs…
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Another Look at Christian Stewardship – Part 2 – Tal Davis

When most people today hear the word “slave,” they naturally think of the evil practice of the past wherein people actually owned other people as property or chattel. Though slavery still exists in some remote places, by and large, it has been officially abolished throughout the civilized world. As we…
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Another Look at Christian Stewardship – Part 1 – Tal Davis

One of the most misunderstood and abused doctrines of the Christian faith is stewardship. Most people have totally mistaken perspectives on what stewardship actually is and how it is to be expressed by believers. The word often translated “steward” in the New Testament is the Greek term oikonomos. It…
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Is Progressive Christianity Really Christianity?

James McGrath is the Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature at Butler University. He is a self proclaimed Progressive Christian, and truly believes that his view of Christianity represents the truth. So just what is Progressive Christianity? Well, in order to get of sense of it,…
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Mormon Temples – Part 3 – Baptisms for the Dead and Celestial Marriage – Tal Davis

As you may know, a new temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (i.e.: Mormons or LDS) is now under construction in Tallahassee, Florida, and another is planned for Tampa. Therefore, we felt it would be helpful to inform our readers about what exactly goes on inside…
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