Church Ministry Vs. Individual Ministry

The Place of Christian Ministry
Where is the Christian life practiced? Different people have different ideas. Some think the proper place to practice their faith is primarily within the church. So, they become involved in the church’s organization in various ways to demonstrate their faithfulness to God. They do this…
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Jesus’ Letters to Seven Asian Churches – Part 1: Ephesus – Tal Davis

After His death and resurrection Jesus’ twelve apostles scattered throughout the world preaching the gospel as He had commanded. One of them was the Apostle John, the brother of James and the son of Zebedee. He was known as the “Beloved Disciple” because of his special relationship to Jesus.…
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Whatever Happened to the Word-Faith Movement? – Tal Davis

Back in the late 1970s, following the rise of the popular charismatic movement in American evangelicalism, there sprang another unusual branch of that spiritual movement that took root and rapidly spread among Pentecostals. Led primarily by popular television evangelists, that spiritual crusade became known as the Word-Faith Movement. It had…
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Is Your Church a Potted Plant or a Tumbleweed?

The Iran–Contra affair was a political scandal that occurred during the Ronald Reagan administration. Between 1981 and 1986, government officials illegally sold arms to Iran, hoping to use the proceeds to fund the Contras in Nicaragua who were fighting the communist led Sandinista government. Colonel Oliver North was caught up…
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How Do You Define the Truth? – Tal Davis

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines the word “Truth” three ways, with several subcategories: Definition 1
(1): the body of real things, events, and facts: ACTUALITY;
(2): the state of being the case: FACT;
(3): a: often capitalized: a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality b: a judgment, proposition, or idea that…
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