Atheist Church

The very concept of an Atheist church seems like an oxymoron. After all, Atheists don’t believe in God and church is an institution based on belief in God. But like so much else in modern culture, what used to be considered abnormal has somehow become the new normal. Jerry DeWitt…
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So, Is President Obama Really a Christian?

Many people get upset when President Obama’s faith is questioned. Some people are disturbed because he claims he is a Christian and they don’t think anyone has the right to question a person’s faith. Others don’t like it because they believe it is obvious that his actions demonstrate Christian principles.…
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Help for Young Girls from HHS

These days, it seem that there is no end to the scandals in our government. We are literally seeing assaults on the press, on private citizens, on conscience rights, on the legal system, and the list gets bigger by the day. But that is not all. There is also an…
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Human Cloning Front and Center

Well, they have done it. Scientists at Oregon Health & Science University claim to have overcome the barriers for creating human embryonic stem cells. It seems that these scientists have been able to create an embryo in the lab that is capable of developing into a human being. These scientists…
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The Rise of the “None of the Aboves”

America has become such a contradictory place. We are becoming more secular in some ways but continue to be as spiritual as we were in the past. How can that be? Recently, the Pew Research Center did some polling to get a handle on this. Basically what we see is…
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To Boycott or Not to Boycott?

Let me just state up front, I don’t consider myself a boycotter. But maybe that is just a matter of semantics. I like to put the emphasis on the positive rather than on the negative. So the end result is that I try to support those businesses which uphold my…
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Let Them All Die!

There are already two states in the union, Washington and Oregon, which have legalized assisted suicide. A third one is looking to join the club. Sen. Ed Meyer, in Connecticut, has introduced a bill to legalize assisted suicide in his state. It is unclear, at this point, whether or not…
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You Are Being Rollinsed

There was Vanderbilt, then the University of Michigan, the University of Montana, Yale, Tufts, Hastings, the University of Buffalo and now a new one. Rollins College, in Winter Haven, Florida is the latest college to begin discriminating against Christian groups on campus which will not permit non-Christians into their leadership…
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Who Should be in the Game?

There are so many issues emerging in our culture today which directly challenge our Christian beliefs. Every day these challenges are becoming more blatant. Take for instance Massachusetts’ “Bathroom Bill.” Last June a new state law went into effect called the “Transgender Rights Law.” This was a law designed specifically…
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