What’s This “White Christian Nationalism” Thing?

An all out push is being made by certain factions to paint Christian evangelicals as racist bigots. The terminology being used to make that case is “White Christian Nationalists.” To these detractors, anyone who believes in traditional Christian values falls into this category – whether they are white and Christian…
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Modern Sex Ed

Justine Ang Fonte is a self described sex-positive educator. She has been responsible for developing sex education curriculum for students from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Some of her special trainings include such topics as pornography literacy and consent. Her stated goal is to teach healthy sexuality, and she does that…
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Trust the Kids and Don’t Tell the Parents

There is a movement in certain sectors to keep parents of school children from knowing what the kids are being taught, and hiding other kinds of things from them, as well. For instance, during the pandemic, kids were being taught online and there were some teachers who tried to prevent…
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Discussion about the Trinity with a Unitarian – Again

After having the discussion with the Unitarian believer that was previously posted on the MarketFaith Ministries website, I have ended up having a follow up discussion with that same person. Unitarianism is the belief that there is no Trinity – that only the Father is actually God. Jesus Christ is…
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