Is it Now Possible to Teach Our Children Christian Values?

People who hold Christian values are under attack – and the intensity of the attacks are becoming increasingly strident. Almost every day new reports are coming out about how colleges, schools, and public libraries are doing everything they can to destroy biblical values. Try these recent headlines on for size:…
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LOL!!! Scientists Claim to Solve the Mystery of Consciousness

LOL!!! Scientists Claim to Solve the Mystery of Consciousness What exactly is consciousness? Scientists and philosophers have been trying for years to figure that out. Philosophers come from a wide variety of backgrounds, so have speculated on all kinds of possibilities. Of course, speculation is the basic currency of philosophers…
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Too Much Speculation and Not Enough Science

Fairly often I see articles from various “science” magazines dealing with so called “habitable planets.” Some of these periodically pop up in my Google news feed, and some of them are actually reported on in the mainstream news media. A recent one was headlined, “Astronomers Find What May Be a…
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