Separation of Atheist Church and State

Lately, the attack on Christians by Atheists has significantly picked up speed. In fact, people claiming “no religious affiliation” are now the fastest growing religious category in America. Almost every week, now, we are reading how organizations like the Freedom from Religion Foundation are sending letters and filing lawsuits to…
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Struggling with the Christian’s Voting Dilemma

How can a faithful Christian, in good conscience, vote for a person who is not a biblical Christian? That seems to be the dilemma we face in this year’s presidential campaign. Just so you know, I, personally, am not real thrilled with the choice I have to make this year.…
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What is the Nature of Material Reality?

Freddy Davis discusses the second major worldview question – What is the nature of material reality – and shares how each of the four major worldviews deals with this topic. He then contrasts this with the Christian worldview.
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It’s Time to Put Up or Shut Up!

So, what do you think? Do you like the way the moral climate is moving in modern society? Just the other day, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that two Wisconsin high schools had violated the Constitution by holding their graduation ceremonies in a local church because students were…
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