The Mormon “Twelve Step Program” to Exaltation: Part 1

Steps 1-6 All the current talk in the media about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/ Mormons) has made a lot of Christians, some for the first time, ask, “Just what do the Mormons really believe?” In previous articles we examined, in general terms, the doctrines of…
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Can Incest be Normalized in America?

Just recently, Hollywood director Nick Cassevetes, in a media interview, came out in favor of incest. He did this in promoting his new film that features an incestuous relationship between a brother and sister. His rationale? The whole movie is about not judging and doing what you want. In our…
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Is Marriage Done?

Marriage is under attack in America from numerous directions. The most visible at this time is the attempt by homosexual activists to actually change the definition. But marriage is being denigrated from other fronts as well. The continuing stress on marriage based on “no-fault” divorce makes it too easy to…
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