Arguing with Atheists: What Is it Really Like?

Most Christians don’t interact a lot with people who are Atheists, at least not in a social setting. This is not unusual because, for the most part, people interact with others who share common interests. Those who hold radically different beliefs at a worldview level are, generally, not the most…
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The Latest from Cottondale

What? You are not familiar with Cottondale? It is a small town of less than 1000 people in Jackson County, Florida. And what is the big deal about Cottondale? Well, Cottondale Elementary School just made the decision to not include the nativity scene in this year’s holiday display. It has…
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Down with Mother Teresa

An Atheist group at Dartmouth College is planning an event aimed at “skewering the reputation of Mother Teresa.” They plan to screen an anti-Mother Teresa film and discuss an anti-Mother Teresa book written by the well known atheist Christopher Hitchens. From all I can find out, there is not really…
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It’s Official: America’s Values Are Not Christian Values

Following the presidential election, some political pundits are saying, “America is getting the leadership it deserves.” Of course, on one level, that is the case in every election. But for Christians, there is something much more significant going on. In our most recent election, we have opened a window to…
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