Stephen Hawking Has Now Proclaimed God Does Not Exist

Stephen Hawking is a renowned British theoretical physicist and best-selling author known for this theory on time and space. In a recent interview with a reporter of El Mundo, he decreed that science offers a more convincing explanation of the origin of the universe than “religion,” and pointed out…
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The Religious Nature of Secularism

Have you heard about the charter school in California which is purging all of the books in its library which have a Christian message of any kind, were written by an author who claims to be a Christian, or was published by a Christian publishing company? The reason they give…
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Take Your Youth Group to See “The Giver!”

  What would it be like to live in a world where people were assigned their careers by an all-powerful state? Who would want to live in a place where emotions, sensations, and pain were neutralized by a daily dose of a drug?  Would you want a world without war…
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Hiroshima, Gaza, and the Price of Peace

Sixty-nine years ago this week the United States dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing thousands of civilians. President Harry Truman’s decision to use the ultimate weapon was praised by many, especially American soldiers in the Pacific. As one tearful Marine put it, “I…
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A Journey to Scotland

Barbara and I returned yesterday from a weeklong 40th wedding anniversary trip to Scotland.  We traveled first to Glasgow, and then sailed to the Isle of Bute. We then went on to Aberdeen, rode through St. Andrews, and finished in Edinburgh. The people were all friendly and helpful. We had…
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