Modern Society is More Resistant to Church

George Barna is a researcher who does polling in the U.S. for the purpose of understanding societal trends more fully – particularly as it relates to Christianity. Based on recent polling, he has picked up on five trends among those in American culture who are unchurched. These trends are:
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The Non-neutrality of “Secular”Government

I often hear people (mostly Atheists) making the argument that Christians and Christian beliefs have no place in public policy. It is not just Atheists, though. Interestingly, some of the people expressing this criticism actually self-identify as Christians. The premise of the argument is that there are many religions represented…
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Stephen Hawking Has Now Proclaimed God Does Not Exist

Stephen Hawking is a renowned British theoretical physicist and best-selling author known for this theory on time and space. In a recent interview with a reporter of El Mundo, he decreed that science offers a more convincing explanation of the origin of the universe than “religion,” and pointed out…
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The Religious Nature of Secularism

Have you heard about the charter school in California which is purging all of the books in its library which have a Christian message of any kind, were written by an author who claims to be a Christian, or was published by a Christian publishing company? The reason they give…
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