It’s Not Real!

There is a false point of view which has become so prominent that it now dominates virtually every aspect of American culture. What I mean by “false” is that it is based on beliefs which are simply not real – which do not reflect actual reality. This point of view…
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All I Could Do Was Shake My Head

Today, as I write this (May 7), is the National Day of Prayer. Each year, this day is celebrated in our nation’s capitol and in state capitols all around the country. The one in Florida was held on the 22nd floor (top floor) of our state capitol. There was a…
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The War Against Bakeries Continues

I don’t care what side you are on, forcing people to participate in activities which go against their personal beliefs is a bad idea. With that as the rule, the outward winners will always be the ones who hold power. And while you may be advantaged by a particular ruling…
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The Next Moral Domino Down?

For the past thirty years or more, secularists and moral relativists, including many who claim to be Christian, have cunningly manipulated the media to convince the masses that fornication, homosexuality, transvestism, gay marriage, sadomasochism, and other practices that in past generations were regarded as wrong (or at least…
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Do We Really Want to Go Down That Road?

Recently, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled that a bakery did not discriminate when it refused to bake a cake which would include Bible verses that called into question the appropriateness of a homosexual lifestyle. For the record, I believe that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission got it right. The…
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Christian Stewardship Matters!

Recently I read where a prominent and popular televangelist is asking 200,000 of his television viewers (I call them “his fans”) to donate at least $300 each for a special fundraising campaign. And what might that campaign be for? So his organization can purchase a new luxury airplane for his…
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What Can We Do?

Virtually every day, now, we are seeing new headlines about Christians being kidnaped, beheaded, sold into slavery, and other vile things. This persecution is happening particularly in parts of the Middle East and Africa, but we hear of it in other Muslim dominated countries as well. It is such a…
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Intentionality in Witness

All too many people don’t intentionally go after the things they want, they just sit back and let life come to them. Obviously, there are things in life that come to us unexpectedly. But when it comes to specific things we have in mind to accomplish, that should never be…
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