The Courts Silence Pastors

We are seeing more and more laws passed, and court decisions handed down, that are chipping away at one of our first freedoms – the freedom of religion. This started in earnest several years ago with the push to legitimize homosexual marriage. In those initial efforts, the push was primarily…
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The Satanic Temple Goes after Elementary Schools

Well, here we go again. It seems that Doug Mesner, co-founder and
spokesman for the Satanic Temple, wants to open After School Satan Clubs in public elementary schools beginning this academic year. Already, chapter heads from New York, Boston, Utah, Arizona, Minneapolis, Detroit, San Jose, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, and Florida…
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Cohabitation and a Biblical Worldview

Sometimes it is hard to believe that the majority of Americans have really bought into atheistic Naturalism. But more and more I am resigning myself to that conclusion. The latest indication of this trend comes in the form of a report by Barna that shows a large majority of Americans…
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The End of Universally Accepted Moral Beliefs?

How concerned are you about the moral direction of America? Get a load of these statistics from polling done recently by the Barna organization.
  • 57% of American adults believe that whatever is right for your life, or works best for you, is the only truth you can know.
  • 65% of
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What is Normal?

Honestly, our society is going stark raving mad. It is literal insanity when the 10 Commandments must come down from the courthouse walls because it is an offense, but if anyone objects to bathing the White House in the colors of the flag of the homosexual rights movement, they are…
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As a Christian, Expect Attacks

There I was just minding my own business when, out of the blue, I got an e-mail from Mario. Now, I don’t know Mario … in fact, never heard of Mario. But he came across the MarketFaith Ministries website, saw a point of view he did not like, and went…
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How Involved are You in Your Church?

Last year the Pew Research Center published the results of a survey taken in 2014 gauging the levels of involvement of the members of various American church denominations in their congregations. They rated members as involved at high, medium, and low levels. Pew defined the high category as being officially…
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American’s Struggle to Talk Across Divides

Recently, George Barna released some polling which discussed some of the massive, and expanding, divides we see in American culture. These divides are easily seen in the U.S. population in areas such as the amount of wealth people have (rich vs. poor), race relations, religious conflict, gender battles, sexuality wars,
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Does it Really Matter Who Is President?

Wow, there is a lot of heat being generated in this year’s presidential campaign. We have the strangest approach to campaigning that we have seen in our lifetime. People on every side are calling each other names and spouting populist policy positions. Along with this, there is genuine concern that…
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Persecution of Christians Growing Worldwide

After the fall of the Iron Curtain, about 25 years ago, I heard a sincere man say that this is the best time in history to be a Christian because persecution will no longer be a barrier to world missions and the spread of the Gospel. Unfortunately, his optimistic prediction…
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