Who was Phillip Johnson? If You Don’t Know, It’s Time to Learn!

About twenty years ago I began reading and hearing about a new movement among scientists, most of them Christian (but certainly not all). The movement has become known as Intelligent Design (ID). That theory says that the evidence found in biology, paleontology, zoology, geology, astronomy, and other sciences increasingly contradicts…
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The Counseling Misdirection

Recently, a federal judge in Florida issued an order granting summary judgment in a lawsuit that invalidated a city ordinance. This ordinance prohibited licensed counselors from providing voluntary talk therapy to minors who were seeking help to reduce or eliminate unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, or identity. Over the last several…
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Thinking About Veterans

    The last several years I have become more interested in watching war documentaries and movies. I have learned so much about the strategies and tactics used in the great battles of history. Its not that I have a morbid fascination with war, it just that I am amazed…
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Christianity Still in Decline Says Pew Poll

The latest Pew Research Center’s Survey of Religion in America, an Update on America’s Changing Religious Landscape, was released in October (see it here: https://www.pewforum.org/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/ ). The findings, on the surface, are not encouraging for Christians. The results clearly show a continued decline in the percentage of adult Americans…
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“Talk Therapy” and Jail

First it was considered a mental disorder. Then it was considered not a mental disorder. Now, considering it a mental disorder can be a criminal offense. We are talking, here, about homosexual behavior. Attitudes about this topic have radically changed over the years, to the point that now anyone who…
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The Enormous Problem of DNA and Evolution

As anyone who has ever taken biology in a public school knows, Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution says that evolution occurs when organisms are changed incrementally over long periods of time in order to be better adapted to their environment. This is called natural selection. According to Darwin this process…
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Are Christian Beliefs Allowed in the Public Square?

Every Fall, at the beginning of the school year, there are a couple of different Christian efforts that play out in high schools around the country – and even around the world. Both of these see significant participation each year. One of the events is called “See You at the…
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