Why Political Discourse Has Become So Contentious

Over the last two to three years, public political discourse has become increasingly contentious. In some cases it has gotten to the point that people are criticized, particularly on social media, for even being friends with someone on the “other side.” Take the recent dust up when TV star Ellen…
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Biblical Misinterpretation

There are many people that claim to be Christians, but who base their core theological beliefs on a philosophy that is not biblical at all. In fact, there are even entire historically Christian denominations that have dropped their reliance on the Bible and picked up naturalistic philosophy as their primary…
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I’m Shocked They Apologized

Rap music is all the rage these days among many in the younger set, but almost all of it is filled with gross immorality. Of course, it is not all that way. There are rap singers who perform cleaner music. That said, there is a strong tendency among the more…
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Who was Phillip Johnson? If You Don’t Know, It’s Time to Learn!

About twenty years ago I began reading and hearing about a new movement among scientists, most of them Christian (but certainly not all). The movement has become known as Intelligent Design (ID). That theory says that the evidence found in biology, paleontology, zoology, geology, astronomy, and other sciences increasingly contradicts…
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The Counseling Misdirection

Recently, a federal judge in Florida issued an order granting summary judgment in a lawsuit that invalidated a city ordinance. This ordinance prohibited licensed counselors from providing voluntary talk therapy to minors who were seeking help to reduce or eliminate unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, or identity. Over the last several…
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Thinking About Veterans

    The last several years I have become more interested in watching war documentaries and movies. I have learned so much about the strategies and tactics used in the great battles of history. Its not that I have a morbid fascination with war, it just that I am amazed…
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