Discipleship Training in the Local Church

Every church, regardless of its size or programming, does some level of Christian discipleship training for its people. Any kind of teaching that shares what the Bible teaches about God and His will for believers’ is a Christian discipleship training event – even if it is not billed or generally…
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Potential Evidence for Dyson Spheres and Space Aliens

Scientists who are in positions of power and responsibility in NASA and in the astronomical community are overwhelmingly so committed to their belief in naturalistic philosophy, that they spend virtually their entire careers, and massive amounts of taxpayer money, in an attempt to prove it is true. It is amazing…
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There They Go Again

You’d think people would learn. But when it comes to faith matters, ignorance in American society is running rampant. The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) is a radical anti-Christian organization. Their entire reason for existing is to eliminate the influence of the Christian faith from American society to the highest…
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